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ın space studies, in medicine, in military applications, in the fields of biotechnology and biomedicine, in short, in every area of life...

Micro Robots: Micro robots are robots of different sizes that can operate with micro-precision, as well as micrometer-sized robots capable of operating with microsensitivity. Such robots are used in space studies, medicine, military applications, and many more. The most important area in which microrobots are used is in medical microrobot applications. This field aims at developing small wireless robots that can recognize various diseases in the human body without causing any discomfort to the human being, deliver medication directly to the infected area, perform biopsy and surgical intervention.

Nano Robots: Nano robots are very sensitive robots that can operate with precision at the level of nanometers. Such robots can be macro or micro-scale robots that can move precisely on a nano scale, as they can be made in very small sizes (atoms and molecules), expressed in nanometers. These robots are also being manufactured to contribute to the development of the fields of nanotechnology, biotechnologies and biomedicine. The development of nanorobots that can very precisely manipulate micron and nanometer-sized objects, parts and biological materials is continuing.

Beam robots: Beam (Biology, Electronics, Aestetics, Mechanics) are robots in which basic electronic components are used in the construction of robots. Therefore, beam robots do not generally use programmable microprocessors or microcontrollers. Such robots are formed like a neural network with simple logical circuits made up of basic electronic components (such as photo-diodes, capacitors, transistors, and transists).

They usually act instinctively by interpreting the logical circuits created and the signals they perceive from the sensors. They usually get their power from solar energy. Such robots are inspired by nature.